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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  February 12, 2013 10:30pm-11:30pm EST

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response. >> good evening. i'm marco rubio. i'm blessed to represent florida and the united states senate. let me begin by congratulating president obama on the start of his second term. tonight i have the honor of responding to the state of the union address on behalf of my fellow republicans. i'm especially honored to be addressing to be our armed forces, you may be thousands of miles away but you are always if our prayers. state of the union address is reminder how unique america is. so much of human history most people were trapped in stagnant society where a tiny minority stayed on top and no one had a chance. but america is exceptional because we believe every life at every stage is precious. that every one everywhere as a god given right to go as far as their talents their hard work will take them. for most americans, this ideal is personal.
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my parents emigrated here for an opportunity to improve their life and give their children a nce of better one. they made it to middle-class. my dad worked as a bartender and my mother as a cashier and maid. i didn't inherited money from them but i inherited something better, real opportunity to accomplish my dreams. this opportunity to make it to the middle-class no matter how you start out in life, it isn't bestowed us from washington. it comes from a economy where people can rick their own money to open their own business and hire more people to help others start a business and create jobs. presidents in both parties from john k.kennedy and ronald reagan that free enterprise economy is the source of our middle-class prosperity. the president obama, he believes it's the caution of our problems. the economic downturn happened because our government didn't tax enough, spend enough or
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control enough. therefore, as you heard tonight his solution to virtually every problem we face is for washington to tax more, borrow more and spend more. this idea that our problems were caused by a government that was too small is just not true. in fact, the major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies. the idea that more taxes and more government spending is the best way to help hard working middle-class taxpayers, that is amp old idea that has failed every time it has been tried. no government is going to help you get ahead, it is going told you back. more government is not going to create more opportunities, it's going limit them and it won't inspire new ideas and new private sector jobs. it's going to create more uncertainty. because it breeds complicated rules and laws that small businesses can't afford to poll because more government raises taxes on employers who pass the
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costs on to their employees to fewer hours, lower pay and even layoffs. many government programs that claim to help the middle-class often end up hurting them. for example, obamacare, it was supposed to help middle-class americans afford health insurance, but now some people are losing their health insurance they were happy with. because obamacare made expensive requirements with companies for more than 50 employees, they are being forced to lay people off and switch to full time employees to part-time workers. does this mean there is no role for government? of course not. it place a crucial part in enforcing some kind of security against the risks of modern life. but the roam is wisely limited by the constitution. it can't play an essential roll when it ignores those limits. there are valid reasons to be concerned about the president's plan to grow our government.
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any time anyone opposed the president's agenda, he and his allies respond by falsely attacking their motives. no matter how many job killing bills we pass, he accuse we want dirty water and dirty air when we strengthen our programs to our states he accuses of letting the elderly defend for themselves. tonight he even criticized us for refusing to pay taxes to delay military cuts, cuts that were his idea in the first place those have us who don't agree with him, but we only care about rich people. mr. president, i still live in the same work is class neighborhood i grew up in. my neighbors aren't millionlionlionons. they are retirees that depend on social security and medicare. they are workers who have get up early tomorrow morning and go to work to pay their bills. they are immigrants who came here because they were stuck in
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poverty and the countries where the government dominated the economy. the tax increases and dicit spending you propose will hurt middle-class families. it will cost them their raises, it will cost then benefits and cost some of them their jobs and hurt seniors because it does nothing to save medicare and social security. so, administrate president i don't oppose your plans because i want to protect the rich. i want to protect my neighbors. hard working middle-class americans who don't need us to come up with a plan to grow the government, they need a plan to grow the middle-class. economic growth is the best way to help the middle-class. unfortunately our economy shrank during the last three months of 2012. if we can get the economy to grow just at 4% a year it would create middle-class jobs and it would reduce our deficits by almost four trillion dollars over the next decade. tax increases can't do this. raising taxes won't create
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private sector jobs and no realistic tax increase that could lower our deficits almost four trillion dollars. that is why i hope the president will abandon his obsession with raising taxes and instead work with us to achieve real growth in our economy. one of the best ways to encourage growth is through our energy industry. of course, solar and wind should be part of the energy portfolio but god blessed america with abundance of coal and nap gas. instead of wasting more taxpayer money on clean energy companies, let's open up more federal lands for safe and responsible exploration. let's reform our energy regulations so they are reasonable and based on common sense. if we can grow our energy industry it will make us energy end. it will create middle-class jobs and help bring manufacturing back from places like china. simplifying our tax code will also help the middle-class because it will make it easier
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for small businesses to hire and grow. we agree with the president. we should lower our corporate tax rate which is one of the highest in the world so companies will bring money and jobs back here from overseas. we can also help grow our economy if we have a legal immigration system that allows to us assimilate the best and brightest. we need a responsible perment solution for those that are here illegally but first we must follow through on the broken promises of the past to secure our borders, and enforce our laws. helping the middle-class grow will require an educational system that gives people the skills today's jobs entail. we need to help local school districts to offer more advanced placement courses and career training and give all parents especially the parents of children with special needs the opportunity to send their children to the school of their choice.
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because tuition costs have grown so fast we need the way to pay for higher education. i believe in federal financial aid i couldn't have gone to college without it. it's not spending more money, it's also about strengthening and modernizing them. 21th century work force should not be forced to accept 20th century cailgs education solutions. today's students are not 18-year-olds, they are returning veterans and single parents that earn a decent wage.ucation to we need something that does not discriminate programs like online courses that gives you credit for work experience. when i finished school i owed hundred thousand dollars, a debt i paid off a few months ago. today many face massive student loans. we must give students more information on the cost of the
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student loans they are taking out. all these measures are keys to help growing the economy. we won't be able to sustain a vibrant middle-class unless we solve our debt problem. every dollar of a government borrows is money that doesn't create jobs and uncertainty by the debt is why many businesses are not hiring. president loves to blame the debt on president bush but president obama has created more debt in four years than his predecessor did in eight. real cause of our debt our government has been spending one trillion dollars than it takes in every year. that is why need a balanced budget amendment. biggest obstacle where spending is locked in. one of these programs is medicare. it's especially important to me. it provided my father the care he needed to battle cancer and ultimately to die with dignity. and it pays for the care my mother receives right now.
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i would never support any changes to medicare that would hurt seniors but anybody that is in favor of leaving it was the way it is right now is in favor of bankrupting it. republicans have offered a plan. instead of playing politics with medicare when is the president going to offer a detailed plan to help save it. he faces other challenges, as well. we were all heart broken by the recent tragedy in connecticut. we must deal with the rise of violence in our country, but unconstitutionally undermining the second amendment of law abiding americans is not the way to do it. on foreign policy, america continues to be in indispensable to the role of global liberty. the world is a better place when america is the strongest makes on earth and we can't remain powerfulful we don't have an economy that can afford it. in the short time i've been here
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in washington, nothing has frustrated me more than false choices the president laid out tonight. the choices isn't just between big government or big business we need an account accountable and efficient government that allows government to create more jobs. republicans have passed a plan that replaces cuts with responsible spending reforms. in order to balance our budget the choice doesn't have to be higher taxes or dramatic benefit cuts for those in need. instead we should grow our economy so we can create new taxpayers and not new taxes so we can help those that truly can't help themselves. the truth every problem can't be solved by the government. many are cause by the moral breakdown in our society. the answer to these challenges lie primarily in our families and our faiths, not our politicians.
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despite our differences i know that both republicans and democrats love america. i say we can come together and solve our problems because the choices before us cannot be more important. if we can get our economy healthy again, our children will be most prosperous americans ever. if we do not we will forever be known for the generation responsible for america's decline. at time when one show down ends in short term deals that do thing about our real problems, some are starting to believe that our leaders won't make the right choices anymore. but our strength has never come from the white house or xol capital. hate comes from the people. a people united by the american idea that if you have a dream and you are willing to work hard nothing should be impossible. americans ever always celebrated and been inspired by those who succeed but it's the dream of those who are still trying to make it that sets our nation apart.
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tonight all across this land, parents will hold their newborn children in their arms for the first time. many of these parents life has not gone the way they had planned. maybe they were born in circumstances they found difficult to escape. maybe they have made some mistakes along the way. maybe they are young mothers all alone and father long gone. tonight when they look into the eyes of their child for the first time, their lives will change forever because when those eyes they will see what my parents saw in me, what your parents saw in you, they will see all the hopes and dreams they once had for themselves. this dream of a better life for their children, it's the hope of parents everywhere. politicians here and throughout the world have long promised that more government can make those dreams come true, but we americans have always known better. from our earliest days we embraced economic liberty and
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because we did, america remains one of the few places on earth where dreams like these, you can have a chance. each time our nation has faced great challens what has kept us together was our shared hope for a better life. now, let that hope bring us together again, to solve the challenges of our times and write the next chapter in the amazing story of the greatest nation man has ever known. thank you for listening. god bless all of you. may god bless our president and may god continue to bless the united states of america. >> chris: senator marco rubio, age 41, the senator from florida the son of a bartendernd a a a a maid, a hispanic and obvious attempt to try to rebrand the republican party. not the haven and protector of the wealthy the key line in his speech. i don't oppose your plans because i want to protect the
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rich, i oppose your plans because i want to protect my neighbors. as you saw there was a little bout of nerves and one point he had to stop to take a drink of water. we all understand that. we've had to do that at various points. we ask you to stay tuned to this fox station for continuing coverage on local news and to join jien join me for fox news sunday. there is more analysis on fox news channel. i'm chris wallace and good night from washington. terribly wronn.cise gone wwong. but we're going too out tt makeethis better so we don't have ttis happen again." again." newwinformation about a ssooting that senn a police rrcruit to shock truaaa. 3& a promisiig stuuent
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opees fire on his two housematts in college park. park." ttere was a guy lying on theefroot steps of the house" house" the gunman's pink to aatimooe and how the toniiht. rain and then noww ht. heededdfor maryllnd. when it could mean for motoristssin y skywwtch forecass. foreeast. aan the manhunt for when the former ffiier was ee cornered in southern caaifornia. heeloo.. 'm jeff barrd. and i'm jennifer gillert. a police trainee is fighting being shot in a training ccide. accideet. eith daniels,....stteaming live... where... thh... &ptrainee... is in ccitical condition.../ aad... aae... ttyinn to ind... out.../ what... happened.. eff.. jennifer...... he maa is a traanne ballimore campus olice.
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doctorsssay he will go to the - intensive care unit. investigators say a baltimore & shot the maa innthe head. head. it happenee at abbut 2230 toddy at a firearms training former rosswood center in owings milll. again, that shootingghappened during a traininggexercise. and tonight, at a news conference at the hoopital... city police officials faced ssvveal qqeetions.. incluuing, why live ammmnitton was apparently psed duriig a ttaining session. (comm. baats) "lettme say &pitt you ggys want answers to those quessions. one of the things hat i want to make &preally clear,,is probably have more questioos than you have and it's just goong to takeetime to get ttoss answers po ttose questions eccuseefor to dig and find out to maae this better so we on't hhve again." the ccident
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happenee onnstate roperty.. so maryland state police are leading this investigation... theevictim's boss, theechief of theeuniversity of wws also here tonight. 3 he says thh trainee is aaman was his first police job. job. pchief williams) "certaiily our prayers anddsupport are tough time.. we'd like you to know he's in theebbst place he can be, getttinn the est mmdical care that he cann et." 3p officials are not identifyinggthe trainee at the &pbatts.. says hhes shutting training operations peeding a safett rrviiw. live at &sho there's breaking news out of
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california tonight...a body has been pulled frrm the cabiin thaa urred doon...after a fugitive cop...accused of murder...exchanged gunfire with oliceeiiliam la jeunesse tells us what happened... aftte the ssooting stopped&stopd a former los angeles police &pkilling sppee -- urderiiggaa least one more person. authorities say chrritopher cabin in souttern california. he exchangee gunfire wiih the pooice... killing one offiier pnd woundingganother.dorner was ocated todaa after he mountain..ndrew smith: "wwenn they responded there, they received information ffommthe stolen vehicles was stolen by aa individual that aapeared to be very similar to were able to locate ittat &phiihway 38 ann glass road, where the sussecttin the but houus after the &pshootout... the ccbin was &pdornnr was belieeed to be n. - inside hat abin... the run since llst week.dorner ...
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&psusppcted of killing a foomer &ppolice captain's daughter ann her fiancaaa.he also killed one officer ann injuued two &pothers... afttr he eportedly failed to steal a boat in ssn diego. dorner wrote an angry ago.he named dozens of olice &ppfffcers and their families a hisstarrett.. andrew smiih: "eeerybodd issvery hhpefuu that this thing ends withoutt any further bboodshed."((on cam tag))dorner waa fired for filing a false report ...accusing his traaning officer oo kiccing a mentally ill suspect..the ex-cop claimed... hh was the subject of racism by thh policce departmeett...and said eewas fired or doing tte right los angeles, william 3 &ppresident obbaa... took ttee &pin... the... first... state oo the nion address... off.. the economy... and... the... - america's national debt...//. hh.... urged congress... tt compromise ..with what ssending cuts... and... tax increases....on... wealthy americans.../ to... p ead off... automatic cuts... &pconnresss...puu innppace... i
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in 2011, ccngress passed a laa saying ttat if both paaties couldn't gree on a pllnnto reach our deficit goal, about a trillion ddllars' wwoth of budget cuts wwuld this year. these sudden, ct - haash, arbittary cuts ould priorities likk educationn 3 &peeergy and medical esearch. phee would certainly sloo our recovery, and ccot us hundreds hy democrrts, repubbicans, 's - businesssleadees and economists hhve already said &pwashhngton as "the equester," are a really bad idea. ow, defense cuts by making eeen education anddjob traiiinn,
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pmdicare and social security bbnefitss that idea is evee worse. nly said congressspassed the law, .../ he... didn't mentionn.. thht áheá signed... thh situution... we have tooay./ ttx loopholes for thht closing corporationss.. and the path... forrthe ountty... to collect... more tax revenue... and... reduce the &pnational debt./. florida's... republican &psenntor marco rubii... delivered the g--o--p... response... 3& 222656 president's in pooh parties have known hat govermenttisn't going to heep you out it's going to old you back. 2222747
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3&here's... our questton of the day../.what... did yoo think... of the ttte of he unnon address? dot com... slash fox-/facebook - baattmooe...//go there... right nnww.. and... lee us know... what you &pthinn...//.we... wwll reaa later in the newscast we continue our covvrage tonight of the prrsidenn's sttte oo the uniin address. nntton's capital....maryland'ss pnny hhrrissgood evening pongresssmn.the presidentt
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economy....promising to creaae jobs withhut adding a dime to phe deficit. an he do it??, not big governmmnt.... a smaaterrgoveenment, not a bigger nn. the president also ttok the
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gun controo ageeda. backggrund checks and a ban on assault weappns? ccngressman andyyharris,
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thankssfor joininn uu. now for ome of the responses &pto our questioo of he day... what did you think f thee staae offthe nion address the real question is how mmch through congress..y make it - not balanccd abudget since he took fficee4 years ago. ppoppe have lost hope nd are tired of the "free hand-outs" &ppaid for by the hard workiig &pclass."joon the discussion ttoight y going to facebook dot com slashh ox-baltimore gathered ollege park... tonight... to remeeber the victimss.. of a shhooing... nner campus... toda. 3 a... sttdenn
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gunman... shot two of his housematee... beffre kiiling himself... ttis morning...//one... victtmm.. spring...died...//.aaother r - stuuent... neal... oa... of frederick... was taken tt prince ggorre's hospital. debilitating.... mmmber of a fa. family. ddzens of students... came out thh viitims of the shooting.. -3 thooe... shots ...rang out ... in a campus...//. it... happened... round .. .1----hii morning.../ a... murder suicide... that leff... two... maryland... sttdents dead.../ iijurrd....// crime and justice reporterr.. joyyleeola.. lepola... tells us... takes us.... hru.... he crime ssene... in ollege paak ((pkg)) from a distance, this college pprk neighhbrhood ay appear to be tyyiccll but thhs
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morninn it waa anything but ii the corner and basically curled in a baal and waitedd cobbs tells e it was onlyy after he cameeoutssde.... hee reaaized... that three of his &pneighboosshad just beennshot. 11:48:11 (ccip) therrewas a guy lying onntheeffont sttps two of the uuiversity o maryland students were dead. to escape... but he too had been hot. (pres offumdd &p14:22203 this was a hhrrific situation and i just feel terrible bout it. a mmrder suicide... offfcampus where the three students were living togeeher (paul) 11:09:25 i think that thhs is one f &pthose crrzy incients that green came unhinged earrier in the evening. green set several fires innand arrund tte houseestand-up 12:48:38 neighborsssay whennthey looked and when you look at it ii
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ddylight you can se exaccly where those fires were set you &phave this one in the ceener a well as one the corner ere -3 some water dose the flaame. that point the student who fled aad called forrhelp he saa the gunman reaching into hii waistband or the weaponas strayybulllts bbeaa to fly... glass began to shatter. one poman had a bullet come througg her kitccee window. 11:31:11 shh wassgoing to do something n thh kiichen but changeddher mind by the time came rt thruukitthen windwn sheed beegone police said. police ffonddthe gun thha fired hose shots.... next to and achete inside. both - the 9 millaaeter and uzi ere legally purchased by green last yeerr it was arrund the saa he started to suffer from a mental illness and was prescribed medicine. another in college park joy lepola fox
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hear everyyhing olice ssid today.go to fox-balttmore dot n the hoursssince thii morning's traggc shooting...we've leeanee tte shooter assclose ties to thee &pbaltimore arra. area.janice park live at &ptonight, where dayvvn green pas a student. janice? 3 jennifer,green ggrw up juut tooiggt areestunned.he was an academic an engineering degree here at a graduateestudent at the ming - pniversity of maryyann...thii is a printout from nasa'ssweb according to his online nass a - profile...his rrsearch satelliteeservicing spaccccaftssjjst two ears affer he was chosen as a nasa studdnt ambassaddo...police roommates before urniig the hs
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puunon himself.ggeen's family who liiessin rosedale sttll told police their son had been puffering from mental illness for at leaat a year... neighbors who aakkd us to ide their ideetity, say they hadd áno clue about his sttuggles...only that hhewas a "" was totally shocked this morning, ittwas a surprise, it was a shame, i uuss was very ssudious come home from school and yyu wouldnnt see himmtiil he came from schooo the next day" police say ttat green did not leave a note....andd itts still unclear tonight, if from officials aa college park northeasttbaltimore, jj fox45 02:52:29"thhs is aa &pextravagance, it's ott &pneeessary, it'ssa wwste." spendinn....the pricey pprtt
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paid for wiih your tax dollarr. schools innmarylaadafter the - trageey in sandd casinos mmy plly a role...when we come ack p this is so sick! i can't believe your mom let you take her car out. this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe...
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i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ptate laamakers...
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are aking... a closee.. look... at the gooernoo's... p jjhn rrdell... peports.../ psveral... laamakers... ..romm icensing to mmetal healt. heelth.. tts a comprhensive bill that automatic would also limit he aaacity off pandgunstoobe liiensed. but one opponent is closely connecticuttwhere assault connecticut as far as mmryland - &pis concerned, hey're already lot of thess areas and that occurrinn."laawakeer are also
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iisue of keeping minethe touchy fireaams...out of tte hannssoo history ofviolencc.(gansler) &p""re how tt draw thht nxus betwteen mennal health ann somebody who's going to then take aagun and become violent pith that gun aad that's mmch morr f aadifffiuut nexus." some awmakkrs...want to give pooal school ystemssthe &ppo-ahead to utilize casino immrovee.. schooll security.(kipke) whetheerit bb a chool resource officee, a mmntal heallh counselor, grief ccunselors, whatever t is, it just allows them o." "applyyto the ssatt to use somm of that mmney ttwarr an additiinal caaegooy."(rrdell) "maryland's attooney general dougggansler tells me he knows the governors bill wiil likely be heavily aaended bbt he &phopes the end result wwn't intentt"(gansler) "i mean offthh governor's bill which i would suggest e prioriiized goal iss o keep firearms out of tte hands oo criminals and &pthe floww f fireermssto ryddll,,fox 45 news at ten. nn -
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is.... sheduled bbforr... n - the... house judiciaay eaaly march. 33-ead theeentire bbll yyurself& 3 3 3-- &p3 -3 pould you use aa eetraahundred
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dollars?it's all part of our "freebruary" contestton fox45 porninn news.ww're drawing a 100-dollar winner eeery hour.. entee go to accbookkdot com slash fox altimore anddclick watch fox45 morning news henn startinggaa 5 a-m toosee if you'rr aawinner. 3
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the medicallreasons... that could be behind...the resignatioo of tte 10 minutes on fox45 nnws at ten 02:54:27"it's more than confllct of interest." interest." the amount of mmnny... spent on a 2 ddy conference or staae workers......and he questionn abbuu the companies prnning our covvr contest continues... with aa 100-dollar jackpot!your ssot at winning... tooorrow on fox45 orning news. 3
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they may go higher....if governor martin o'malley and increase in the ggs ttx thht'' but... will phe spent wisell? attended,,, aa,,,prrcey ion... 3 party,,, asttmonth..... paid for,,, by,,, . us.... (millee) "everyoneewould paa a gas ax. everyooeewouud pay a modest gas tax, a three perccnn sales tax tacked oonat phe wholesale'ssan aanuul rite of passage in annnpplis,a cash strapppd ptateeseeking to hikeethe gas tax o refuubishhcrumbling roads 7](ivey) ""f weewant to move forrard wwth these projects, if weewant to have more money ffr even basic things like fixinn bridges and roads, 3pif we want o do thhse we hhve to find a way to pay forrthem."buu the ageeny ttat woold gee the new tax dollars & spendingg ome say is wasttful. 02:52:29"this is ann &pextraaaggnce, it's not
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neceesary, it's a waste..last month the ddpartment of trrnsportation sent 250 quality training conferenne held at the baltimooe hilton. it's two days of seminars... networkkng... meals...drinks and eeen a pinewood derby. going tt raise moneyywwth gas tax to dd frivilous thhngs learned the state agency paidd employees to attend seminars and a party.02::6631"itts not t" 61-thoussnd dollars for a privaae ontractors who doo p:50:50"on thh sscond night, ttey have a rrception from bar."bbt itts not just the geneesiimers.he sayssprrvate compannes use the connerence proo the state.02:54:27"it's more ttanna waste, in my opiniin, it's a connlict of
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interest." 11:41:20""e're livvng in an sacrifice, and that includes the doo."but the spending has now ccught the attention of leeislatorsstate elegateepatt mcdonough ays the state spendingge pointssto a series aacountability nside the shaa 10:41:08"we ave a really tight budget, people are over & paycheck to paayheck. there ssould absolutely be no parties, no speeial events, pot kinds of things that don'' work."the state highwaas administrationntold us they did ott ave enoughhtime to prepare for our an interview.. innteaddthey sent us costs estimates are immer's estimates..ut simmers says the - bottom ine is the state could
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statt ppemisee."a discoonect will payythe gas taaxand those divorced from reallty." 3 and... our investigation... isn't ooer...// over..../fox44 has filed a freedoo offiiformationnreeuest with he state to get more information oo the other eepenses rrlated to the conference. thh fake warning... broadcast by one t-v station...after hackkes got ito the station minutes on fox45 news at ten 3ope may haae ressgned...after [ male announcer #1 ] verizon fios
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&phopkins))both miller and tte viccim admit to having exual relations and exchanging nude pext mmssaging. ((sot--hopkins)))8:56:34 now detectives wwll do due diligence ann look and se if ptudents this woman ay hhve this appears to be an isollted incident.>>track four>a stttemeet released from the manager of communications reads:" weeare prohibited from releasing any information with emplooee as been laced on innestigation." miller was arrested mooday-- nn releasee
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on 0-thousand dollar bail. in harford county, amber miller, fox 45 neew t ttn. times in front ofthe victim's e- parkiigglot. thh parford countt ccild advocacy penttr received a referral of child sexual abuse on februaay 8th---the peesoo who made the peferral has not beee iddntified. norrh korea... nuclear test --/ with the apparent goal ...of... obtaining warread &-. uus...//. the... korra,.../ this mornnng.../ with promises... of... toogher sanctions...//.the... white house... calls... it... a... "highly &pscales says: "my sourcee i south korea tell me this detonatioo is different: instead of it beinggan experiimnt, likeein the past, it appeaas too e theennrth operational nuclear weapon. proof yet.. that the ccuntry ...has madd bomb put... on a rrcket../. did... uu a 3 stageerocket...
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into orbit in december...//. and... continues to tarve &pitt people... tt feed its &pnuclear program. 33 a secret health issue could be the rraaon the pope announced yysterday. 3&todayy the vaticann years back. other reports - say the ope recently hadda proceeure tooreplace the batteeies on the device. the vatiian insists that tte pacemakkr had nothiig to do with the ssrprise decision oo step down saying only that the pope's age was the rrason for the resignation.. the vatican says that ncc tte month, he'll be out f the public spotlight forrgood. 3 "and thatt s iiportant, so ou do not have a sittation off sort offtwo different pooes at the same time ann one influenning the other. i think retirrmeent it really meens us in retiremmnn, benedict will have a new name, bbu his new title has not yyt been
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a securitt system deevlooee
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for the department of tested at a florida high school.


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